With design and installation experience encompassing hundreds of projects, we bring reliable solar energy solutions to your home.
Residential Solar Solutions
There has never been a better time to make the switch! As solar has become a mainstream energy source around the world, equipment prices have fallen exponentially. At the same time, reliability has increased dramatically with 25-year warranties. Financial institutions recognize that solar is a safe and reliable technology that provides attractive returns. Financing for residential projects is readily accessible at competitive rates. Low cost, high reliability, great returns – solar just makes sense!
Delta Energy Solar goes beyond to offer elegant systems that present the highest possible value and functionality to the customer. For initial inquiries, Delta provides a virtual site survey, resource assessment, and financial analyses. Next steps include final equipment selection, project design, and financing, followed by permitting, procurement, and construction. Delta Energy Solar also provides post-sale service and long-term maintenance on all the projects we build. From rooftop solar to pergolas, Delta Energy Solar provides you with the most reliable and cost-effective solutions for your grid-tied renewable energy needs.
Rooftop Grid-Tied solar
The simplest way to go solar and start saving now! These systems work in conjunction with your utility. When the sun is shining, these systems offset your load, and can also back-feed to the utility. When you produce more than you use, the utility credits you for this energy.
If your system makes more energy than you use over a billing cycle, you will have a minimum bill, but no energy charge. Some utilities will pay you wholesale for this ‘net excess generation.’ For this reason, we typically size the system to meet ~80 - 90% of customer’s annual energy. But as you’ll see in our Add-On section, it’s easy to build for now, but plan for later.
This started as a simple 6.1kW grid tied system. However, by selecting the right inveter up front, we were able to add battery storage later. This customer now has 20kWhs of storage and can run their lights, refrigerator, furnace blower, computers, etc during a power outage. What’s more is that the system will make sure to automatically charge your batteries before a storm!
Custom Pergolas.
We’re always pushing to offer new solutions to our customers. These shade structures create functional space that’s also attractive and cool to be under. If you want a shade structure, why not make it solar powered!